Dian makes its mark in Mallorca’s kitchens: Michelin-starred Béns d’Avall proudly wears the Altea Plus model

Jul 2, 2024

Escrito por Dian

Dian se complace en anunciar que ha sido elegido por el Restaurante Béns d’Avall, galardonado con una estrella Michelin, para equipar a su equipo de cocina y sala con el modelo Altea Plus.

For us, it is an honour to be part of the day-to-day work of this high-level team, which is characterised by its excellence and passion for gastronomy. Dian’s Altea Plus model has been carefully selected for its comfort, safety and style, essential qualities for professionals at Béns d’Avall to carry out their work with maximum comfort and concentration.

El calzado perfecto para la alta cocina

The Altea Plus by Dian is a lightweight, breathable and durable shoe made from premium materials. Its ergonomic design and non-slip sole guarantee optimum comfort during long hours of work, allowing the Béns d’Avall team to focus 100% on offering a unique gastronomic experience to its customers.

Más que un calzado, una filosofía compartida

At Dian, we share with Béns d’Avall a passion for excellence and attention to detail. We are convinced that our footwear contributes to the well-being of the team and therefore to the quality of the service offered by this Michelin-starred restaurant.

Agradecimiento y compromiso

From Dian, we would like to thank the Béns d’Avall team for their confidence in our brand. We are proud to be able to collaborate with them and contribute to their success.

We continue to work every day to offer the highest quality footwear to professionals in all sectors, with a commitment to improve their comfort, safety and performance at work.


Maximum safety at work with Dian footwear

Maximum safety at work with Dian footwear

Work footwear is not just another accessory in work attire; it is an essential protection for users against the numerous risks they face daily. For this reason, footwear specifically designed for professional use must not only provide comfort during long hours but...
